Sanctuary of St. Leopold B. Mandić

Croatian saint Leopold Bogdan Mandić was born on May 12, 1866 in the Boka Kotorska town of Herceg Novi, where his family moved from Zakučac, a small town on the right bank of the Cetina, near Omis, before the Turkish invasion. Pope Paul VI he was solemnly beatified on May 2, 1976, and St. John Paul II, on the 25th anniversary of his diocese, canonized him on October 16, 1983.

As part of the celebration of the great jubilee of 2000 years of Christianity, a shrine was erected in Zakučac at the foot of the Ilinac waterfall. Today, believers from all over Croatia and the surrounding countries make a pilgrimage to the sanctuary, begging for the intercession of this God-pleasing man, and numerous grateful gifts of St. Leopold testifies to the prayers answered.

Sanctuary of the Mother of God of Lurds

At the western entrance to Makarska is the Shrine of Our Lady of Lourdes, built by the Auxiliary Bishop of Split and Makarska, based in Makarska, Juraj Carić in 1908. The natural cave and the whole landscape with hills, vegetation and a stream among them vividly reminds of Lourdes.

 A chapel with a sacristy, an altar in the square, confessionals, a Stations of the Cross, a home for spiritual exercises, and procession paths were erected in this center. Many passers-by come here to rest, pray briefly to the Mother of God, light a candle and continue on their way.

a place of quality rest


Promajna is a small fishing village that is currently experiencing a tourist boom.


Hiking trails

 If you want to visit nearby places, you can do it on foot. In 15 minutes you will arrive in Bratuš, and in 40 minutes in Baška Voda. Rent a bike so you can visit more places in the Makarska Riviera, without the danger of car traffic!


Zagrebačka 24

21320 Promajna, Hrvatska


(+385) 92 5034 648


(+385) 92 5034 648

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